Choose a Button Layout
No need to worry about which layout you choose.
You can rerun your job any number of times within 24 hours for free
with the "Free Re-Do" option and produce any or every layout.
What will you use your shopping cart or buttons for?
Button Layout
Any format that prints the shipping amount will
also print the words "Plus Tax", if any
Insertion Into Any WordPress Page
You MUST use WordPress "Text" option when inserting
Insertion Into Any Custom Web Page
As a Stand-Alone Web Page
[image, if any]
[shipping, if any]
Layout 40
Framed listing with borders
[image, if any]
[shipping, if any]
[image, if any]
[shipping, if any]
Layout 20
Framed listing with borders, with two buttons side by side.
[image, if any]
[shipping, if any]
Layout 50
Framed listing with thick red border
[image, if any]
[shipping, if any]
[line across page]
Layout 10
Simple top-down listing. No frames, no borders.
Ideal for extracting your buttons and cut'n'pasting them individually or as a group into your own pages.
[image, if any]
[shipping, if any]
[image, if any]
[shipping, if any]
Layout 60
Framed listing with thick blue borders, with two buttons side by side.
Layout 30
Framed listing with borders.
No image, price, shipping or "Plus Tax" displayed with this layout.
[image, if any]
[shipping, if any]
Layout 70
Simple top-down listing. With frame and border.